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Woodlands Boys Choir

Special passes are available for interested young man aged 7 to 13

Woodlands Boys Choir will host a special one-day-only Fall Music Camp with members of the Grammy-nominated Fort Bend Boys Choir and their director, Bill Adams. The mini-retreat will be held on Saturday, September 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at HopePointe Anglican Church, 3333 South Panther Creek Drive in The Woodlands.

“We invite boys who love to sing that are between ages 7 and 13, to attend and participate,” said Sherryl S. Pond, founder and artistic director of Woodlands Boys Choir. “At the day camp, these boys will enjoy learning exciting, varied music with fun activities. Our expert conductors will teach them proper vocal technique and a sampling of music that we sing in performances during the year.”

Lunch, a snack, and a t-shirt will be provided for a nominal cost of $30. A mini-concert will be performed at 2:00 p.m. “We encourage family members and Woodlands-area music lovers to attend the concert free of charge,” said Pond. “We also invite all local music teachers to come and observe.”

While the camp is open to interested youth whether or not they join the choir, Pond points out that it is an excellent opportunity to see if WBC is a good fit for young singers with talent but no outlet. Boys accepted into membership in WBC may apply the $30 to offset the already low tuition of $125/semester; scholarships are also available. Pond is currently holding auditions for the Concert Choir through the date of the camp. Additionally, boys ages 6 - 8 may participate in the preparatory choir, TrebleMakers, without audition.

For additional information on the choir or to register for the camp, visit, or call (401) 855-3222 or

About Woodlands Boys Choir

The Woodlands Boys Choir was founded in 2015. The group is establishing themselves as a polished touring choir; its first tour, which recently took place in Louisiana, received multi-state attention, and this spring the choir will tour Washington DC and participate in the Baltimore Boychoir Festival. Boys perform at arts festivals, retirement homes, and churches. The vision of the Woodlands Boys’ Choir is to bring together talented boys reflecting the cultural diversity of the Montgomery/North Harris County areas. For boys who enjoy music, a boys’ choir can provide an extraordinary foundation for lifelong musical enjoyment, faith, confidence, and character, preparing them for excellence in their chosen fields, whether musical or not. The choral education and environment in the tradition of boys’ choirs instill the skills of self-discipline, expectation of excellence, self-motivation, and accomplishment. For more information visit

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