Riley Heruska
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Packing lunches for school kids is never easy, especially if you're packing for picky eaters. It's often tempting to just send kids off and let them fend for themselves in the school lunchline. The problem is, you don't want them eating fried cheese sticks and hamburgers every day. Arming them with a homemade lunch is always the healthier option, and it saves money on overpriced slices of pizza or boxes of chocolate milk. 

Here are a few tasty ideas recommended by other moms that will make packing a lunch easy, and your kid might even get a kick out of them. 

Fruit and Peanut Butter Wraps 

Sure, your kid might not be into lettuce wraps, but that doesn't mean you can't pile some bananas and peanut butter onto a whole-wheat wrap. Add a splash of honey to really jazz things up. It's basically a peanut butter sandwich, but it's a little more special and a tiny bit healthier. Your little one will probably love eating it burrito-style. 

Hard Boiled Eggs 

Not only are eggs super affordable, but they're also really healthy. Boil a few and pop them in your kids' lunches. Add a pinch of salt and voila! A nutritious and cheap addition to any packed lunch. 

Meat and Cheese Quesadillas

It takes about five minutes to heat up a quesadilla with nutritious ingredients inside. If your kid isn't too picky, you can add spinach or other veggies to the mixture. At a bare minimum, get some protein in there and call it good. Pack a side of salsa to really kick things up a notch. 

"Fancy" Skewers 

Presentation is key when it comes to engaging picky eaters. Slide some cubed chicken, cheese, and veggies onto a skewer for a fun alternative. Just warn them not to transform those skewers into play swords at the lunch table after they finish eating... 

Make-Your-Own Lunchables 

Invest in Tupperware that makes an at-home meal look like something store bought. Trust me, kids fall for tricks like that. Fill the tray with a source of meat, cheese, crackers, and some other fun toppings. Kids will have a blast putting the meal together at school, and it will be healthier than a real Lunchable. 

Funny Sandwiches 

Like I said, presentation is key! So if you do decide to stick to regular sandwiches, make things a little entertaining. Use cookie cutters to make interesting shapes like a heart or star. No little one can resist something as cute as mini sandwiches in funny shapes. 

Do you have other go-to lunch ideas for school kids? Leave suggestions in the comments below!

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