Riley Heruska
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This Sunday, March 11, most of our country will spring forward an hour and transition to a new schedule for the bulk of the year. Although we're all sad to lose a precious hour of our weekend, Daylight Saving Time is a well-established part of our yearly calendar, and it's a sign that spring is truly on its way. 

Ever wondered why we started changing our clocks or who it actually benefits? Keep reading to learn five interesting facts about DST. 

1. Daylight Saving Time was first adopted at the end of World War I. The states first started setting their clocks differently during WWI and WII, but there wasn't a uniform law establishing the change, so things were pretty confusing. That's why Congress passed the Uniform Time Act in 1966, and to this day, we abide by the set annual time changes. 

2. Not everyone in America abides by the time change. Both Hawaii and Arizona, as well as some overseas U.S. territories, don't observe DST. Still, the majority of Americans will be losing an hour this coming weekend. 

3. "Springing forward" can take a toll on your sleep routine. If you feel tired next Monday, it's not just your imagination. Studies have found that people's health tends to deteriorate during DST. Many people struggle to adjust to a new sleep schedule, and in some cases, the risk of stroke can even go up. 

4. Despite what you heard, Daylight Saving Time wasn't established just to help farmers. The thought is that people will use less energy to light their homes and places of business if we are up during the brighter hours of the day. Additionally, retailers tend to benefit from the sunlight later in the evening, and studies have shown that roads are safer later in the day if it stays lighter outside.  

5. Florida might start staying in Daylight Saving Time all year long. Lawmakers recently passed the "Sunshine Protection Act" and are working to end the clock changes throughout the year. However, the bill hasn't been approved quite yet, so nothing is set in stone.

Remember to set your clocks back this weekend and head to bed a little early! 

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