Riley Heruska
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Ever since 1943, March has officially been designated as "Red Cross Month," which means these following weeks are the perfect time to volunteer or make a donation to the organization. March 28 is Giving Day, a 24-hour fundraising campaign, and until then, Red Cross will be working to raise awareness about its humanitarian efforts and how the public can help support them. 

This year, Red Cross asks heroes across the country to help out by committing to any of the following: 

  • Donating blood or platelets. Every year, Red Cross collects more than 4.9 million units of blood in an effort to supply hospitals and transfusion centers across the country. On average, they provide about 40 percent of the nation's blood, and they can use all of the donations they can get from willing volunteers. Keep an eye out for blood donation centers and drives near you. 

  • Volunteering to help with victims of a disaster. Fires, floods, shootings, tornados: whatever the disaster may be, Red Cross does its best to shelter and provide for the people affected. However, they can only do so if the American people generously provide resources, both physical and financial. If you can, donate money to disaster relief. If you're nearby, see if you can volunteer your time. 

  • Assist a veteran or member of the military. Red Cross strives to support nearly 391,000 military members, veterans, and their families. Even a little bit of support goes a long way towards this cause. 

  • Take a first aid or CPR class. Money and volunteer services aren't the only ways you can help. Getting trained in emergency skills is an excellent way to support the Red Cross and make a difference in your community. 

  • Pledge financial support, even if it's just a little. By visiting the Red Cross website, you can donate as much or as little money as you can. You can also text "REDCROSS" to 90999 to easily give $10. Feel confident in your donation because an average of 91 cents of every dollar the American Red Cross spends is invested in humanitarian services and programs.

To learn more about the American Red Cross organization and how you can help, visit today. 

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