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The Woodlands, TX  

How many times have you been to the doctor for an ailment and end up taking a load of prescriptions that have side effects? Then you take additional medications to combat the side effects from the first round of medications. Whoa! Let’s stop that crazy merry-go-round!

Dr. Donald Thigpen, DC, PSc.D, believes there is a better way and went back to further his education to learn what he could do to stop the cycle when he learned that his mother was battling a series of medications and their side effects. The certification through which Dr. Thigpen uses natural medicine  for health improvement is described as a Doctor of Pastoral Science and Medicine under the Pastoral Medical Association (PMA). PMA practitioners practice health improvements through positive lifestyle changes and other organic, natural methods that are scientifically based and professionally administered after appropriate tests are run.


“I test, I don’t guess”, is the motto from Dr. Thigpen a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic since 2004 and class valedictorian. His undergraduate degree was obtained from McNeese State University in Lake Charles, LA, where he graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in pre-med biological sciences. He also has extensive experience instructing classes in human anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

“If someone is looking for a natural, holistic approach to their condition that is supported by advanced lab testing, they come to me”, said Dr. Thigpen. “Our country’s health care system is the best in the world for emergency and acute care, but we fail miserably at managing chronic symptoms and conditions.”

If the right lab tests are performed to uncover the underlying cause of a problem, then symptoms like fatigue, low energy, constipation, bloating, anxiety, high cholesterol, obesity, weight management, hormone imbalances, low libido, and attention deficit can all be supported through natural approaches. Tests are done to measure vitamin & mineral deficiencies, food allergies/sensitivities, gluten sensitivity, gastrointestinal function, hormone imbalances, advanced cholesterol risk factors, metabolic function, and brain chemistry. The evidence from the lab work helps determine what areas of the body are not functioning appropriately.

A wellness approach includes herbals, botanicals, nutraceuticals, supplements, vitamins, minerals, nutrition, and detoxification. Patients often work with their prescribing physician to wean off some of their medications. One of the most common challenges is weight loss. Gut dysfunction, deficiencies, food sensitivities, and hormone imbalances can all block weight loss. Without proper testing for deficiencies, the vitamins and supplement products may not work. It is all just guessing. Eliminate the guessing and start testing. Why wouldn’t you choose to eliminate the prescriptions and live your life more naturally if you could?

The rising costs for medical care, prescriptions, and unnecessary doctor visits make natural medicine an option worth considering. Small business owners often can’t afford their own insurance and natural medicine combined with therapeutic massage and chiropractic care is an alternative for pregnancy, newborns, youth, teens, adults, and the elderly.

Dr. Donald Thigpen is a member of the Texas Chiropractic Association, American Chiropractic Association, Pastoral Medical Association, Better Business Bureau, Business Network International, and The Woodlands Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about his practice using therapeutic massage, chiropractic care, and natural medicine at Core Health Chiropractic and Natural Medicine. To make an appointment call (281) 364-2673. The office is located at 10845 Kuykendahl Road, Suite 102, The Woodlands, 77382.  Stop by and visit! Check out the video.



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