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Grab a free cup of Joe at Coffee with a Cop hosted by Texas State Technical College and the Rosenberg Police Department on May 24.

 The event will be hosted for the first time at TSTC’s Industrial Technology Center from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and is opened to the community.

 Rosenberg’s police are the responding department for the campus and have already participated in events such as new student orientations, spring break awareness and summer safety events.

 Director of Student Services Georgeann Calzada said her goal for the event is to provide the TSTC and local community with the opportunity to interact with Rosenberg’s police.

 “The event is a great opportunity to build the bridge between the local police department and the community,” she said. “This will help our students build trust in their local police. I want our students, faculty and staff that stay after normal business hours to feel at ease calling the police officers for help if they need it.”

 The Rosenberg Police Department will also be on hand to discuss any issues or concerns that affect Rosenberg and the surrounding communities.

 Rosenberg Police Department Community Relations Officer Michael Bradley said he is looking forward to meeting those he serves.

 “I want to encourage our community to come out and network with us in a relaxed atmosphere,” Bradley said. “This event is for them and it’s been great organizing this with TSTC and we hope we have many more events like this with them in the future.”

 Calzada said it has been a pleasure working closely with the Rosenberg Police Department.

 “I feel the partnership between Rosenberg’s police department and TSTC has grown tremendously in the last 10 months since TSTC’s new campus was built,” she said. “I know that between our two organizations, we’re making Rosenberg a better place to live and work.”

 Also joining the effort is McDonald's by providing the coffee and juice for community participants.

 “McDonald's has been so generous in their donations,” Calzada said.

 Calzada added that Coffee with a Cop is also a great opportunity to highlight TSTC’s campus.

 “I’m so excited to bring this event to the TSTC campus and welcoming our community members,” Calzada said. “I’m looking forward to hearing feedback from our community on how we (TSTC) can better serve their needs when it comes to education and workforce demand.”

 For more information about attending Coffee with a Cop call 346-239-3422.

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