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R3 Wound Care & Hyperbarics in PearlandR3 Wound Care and Hyperbarics (R3), a non-hospital service provider of advanced wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), announced its entry into the Houston market with wound care clinics in Kingwood and Pearland, offering physicians and their patients with chronic wounds convenient access to hyperbaric oxygen therapy and other wound care services in an outpatient setting.

R3, the largest independent outpatient hyperbaric oxygen therapy provider in Texas, specializes in wound healing, post-surgical wound care, diabetic ulcer treatment, infection healing options, radiation injury treatment and more. The company opened its first location in San Antonio in 2014 in response to the need for high-quality, advanced wound care and HBOT, administered in a comfortable and convenient outpatient setting. Since then, R3 has expanded to seven locations across Texas, including clinics in Dallas-Fort Worth, San Antonio and now Houston, with plans for three additional clinics in 2022. The company has in-network contracts with all major insurance providers and Medicare, and its treatments are typically more affordable than those offered at hospitals.

 “An estimated 6.7 million Americans suffer from chronic wounds caused by diabetes, vascular disorders, radiation damage, surgical injuries, infections and other traumatic events,” said Bob Childs, R3 Founder and Chief Executive Officer. “Until R3 Wound Care and Hyperbarics opened, advanced wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy were mostly available at large medical institutions.

“At R3, we are passionate about helping patients get the care they need to get back to their normal lives as quickly and easily as possible. Our growing presence in Texas is a clear testament to the immense need for outpatient chronic wound care facilities with state-of-the-art hyperbaric technology and compassionate, expert clinical care right where our patients live. As we focus on healing hard-to-heal wounds, no matter how big or small, our welcoming and easily accessible clinics are resonating both with physicians and patients. We are delighted to contribute to the healing and better quality of life for Houston residents with our Kingwood and Pearland clinics.”

Both Kingwood and Pearland R3 clinics each feature three hyperbaric single-person chambers (monochambers). Made of clear acrylic, these chambers hold one patient at a time, providing a more comfortable and private experience, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients can breathe in normally, without the need for a hood or mask as is the case with multi-place chambers, often used in hospital settings, which typically hold multiple patients at a time. In R3 chambers, patients can recline comfortably, view their surroundings at all times, as well as hear and speak to their treatment team who monitors the entire procedure. The painless and safe treatment lasts about one and a half to two hours, during which patients can sleep, read, watch a favorite show or listen to music with built-in streaming services. Plentiful, accessible parking just steps away from the clinics’ doors provides easy access to patients with mobility issues. To further help ensure patients can make their appointments, R3 offers hyperbaric patients in need free transportation within a 25-mile radius after the first treatment.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which is covered by insurance for 14 FDA-approved indications, is a proven medical procedure that delivers pressurized 100% oxygen directly to the blood cells, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, bones, and lymph to promote the healing process and enhance white blood cells’ ability to fight infections. HBOT can also stimulate development of new capillaries, speed up building of new connective tissues, and help organs function optimally.

In use since 1936 when it was first used to treat decompression sickness in deep-sea divers, today, HBOT is used to help heal a variety of injuries, wounds, and medical conditions. The 14 FDA-approved applications for HBOT, include chronic wounds such as diabetic, pressure and venous insufficiency ulcers; surgical wounds, grafts and flaps; necrotizing infections; and delayed radiation injuries; as well as traumatic wounds, such as crush injury, and burns. These applications are just the beginning, as positive effects of HBOT on a wide range of health issues, such as traumatic brain injury, continue to be researched for approval as additional FDA indications. All treatments are available without a doctor referral, unless required by patients’ HMO plan.

“Because most of the functions involved in wound healing are oxygen-dependent, increasing oxygen in the body supports the wound-healing process,” said Dr. Richard Todd Husby, R3’s Houston Medical Director. “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has proven to be an effective adjunct therapy, both in studies and in clinical practice for patients with non-healing wounds especially those due to preexisting conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, smoking and other factors that may decrease the supply of oxygen into the blood and cells. Talk to your primary care or specialty physician to see if hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be an option for you. With the new outpatient clinics in Kingwood and Pearland, it’s more accessible than ever.”

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About R3 Wound Care and Hyperbarics

R3 Wound Care and Hyperbarics is a leading provider of expert outpatient wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in a comfortable, relaxing and calming atmosphere. R3’s highly effective, personalized treatment plans and compassionate wound care teams specialize in all types of wounds, including diabetic ulcers, arterial insufficiency wounds, radiation injury wounds, post-surgical wounds and wounds from trauma. The company operates seven locations in Texas, including Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio. To learn more, go to

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