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Labor Day weekend means increased enforcement, increased arrests

The approach of Labor Day means the last few days of summer are upon us. Before you head off to for a toast at that party or backyard barbecue, make sure you’re armed with some important information on DWIs, and when you may need to contact an attorney.

“The 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are the deadliest days of the year,” said Mike Seiler, local criminal and civil defense attorney. “On top of extra law enforcement being out during this upcoming weekend, there is also a strict ‘No Refusal’ policy for suspected DWI drivers in effect in Montgomery County through Labor Day weekend that most folks aren’t even aware of.”

Mike Seiler has been on all sides of the courtroom – as judge, prosecutor and defender – and he knows the ugly reality of DWI convictions. “Your DWI problems don’t end at the arrest,” said Seiler. “This type of conviction will have an extreme adverse effect on your current job, your ability to obtain new employment, and, of course, your finances.”

Montgomery County’s “No Refusal” policy means that drivers who refuse to submit to sobriety testing will then be targeted for warrants to obtain blood samples, which will be used as evidence for a conviction. “No scientific tests are 100% accurate,” said Seiler. “These tests are being performed by human beings, often in the middle of the night. Mistakes do happen.”

Here are some tips for protecting yourself in the event you are pulled over:

  • Less is more. If you are being detained, don’t say anything. Everything is being recorded by law enforcement and can be used against you in the courtroom.
  • Call a lawyer. From the moment you are pulled over, your every move will be scrutinized. Call a lawyer to represent and advise you through the process.
  • Politely decline a sobriety test. If you have reason to be concerned, you can decline taking the test. If you are in Montgomery County where the “No Refusal” policy is in effect, you can opt to blow into the meter and face the possibility of being arrested. Or you can refuse and await the blood sample warrant. Your attorney can advise you throughout this process.
  • Cooperate with law enforcement at all times. There is no need to escalate a DWI stop into something worse. Be polite and respectful at all times. You don’t need a motivated peace officer calling up the District Attorney’s office to make sure you get what he or she thinks you have coming.

“Knowing your rights is your best defense,” said Seiler. “When that isn’t enough, contact an experienced, proven attorney who will fight to defend your rights on your behalf.”

Mike Seiler is an attorney specializing in criminal and civil defense for Montgomery County and surrounding areas. He began his legal career as a prosecutor, working for the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office for 16 years before being appointed to the 435th District Court by Governor Rick Perry. He resigned from the bench in 2016. Today, Seiler enjoys traveling around the state of Texas representing clients in all types of cases. He is one of very few attorneys in the region that have enjoyed successful careers in all three aspects of a courtroom – prosecutor, judge and defender. For more information on Seiler, visit or call (281) 419-7770.

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