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Finding real pain relief for patients in stem cell therapy

For many Americans, living with daily aches and pains has become a routine part of life. Reports show that pain is the leading reason for Americans needing to access the health care system, and contributes to a lower quality of living for those in pain.

Fortunately, there have been significant medical advancements in the area of pain relief, and new therapies are offering patients safe, non-surgical options. One such option is stem cell therapy, now seeing a surge in popularity due to clinically-proven results and affordability.

“Access to stem cell therapy has changed how we view pain management,” said Dr. Ed Nash, a certified Diplomat of the American Board of Physical Medicine and a physiatrist who treats numerous medical conditions that can cause pain or limit function. “Patients nowadays are looking to avoid surgery and costly pain pills. We are seeing more patients turning to stem cell therapy due to the quick recovery time without surgery.”

The reasons for pain are as varied as areas of pain, and stem cell therapy has the remarkable ability to treat many types. “As we age, our bodies take longer to heal and sometimes lose the ability to create new cells, which in turn slows down our ability to feel relief,” said Dr. Nash. “Stem cell therapy offers regenerative help, or the ability to create new cells to repair or replace the damaged ones.”

The following four common types of pain that are more routinely being treated with stem cell therapy, said Dr. Nash:

Lower back – Statistics show that 80 percent of the population will experience lower back pain, and the causes vary greatly. “While something like muscle strain will take time to heal, patients with more serious causes like herniated discs, osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease can see significant relief from stem cell therapy,” said Dr. Nash.

Neck – To real sufferers, a pain in the neck is anything but a funny saying. “Neck pain can be symptomatic of muscular dysfunction associated with spinal problems, said Dr. Nash. “Stem cell therapy can alleviate the pain and allow normal posture.”

Knees – “In the past, patients with arthritis, meniscus tears, or damage to their cartilage, had little choice but to undergo invasive surgical procedures,” said Dr. Nash. “Now, we can treat these issues in-office, and many patients have significant improvement allowing them to avoid surgery.”

Shoulder – “Patients experiencing problems with rotator cuffs, shoulder dislocations, and other shoulder issues should explore their treatment options with stem cell therapy,” said Dr. Nash. “I have treated many patients who saw pain reduce with improved function.

“Stem cell therapy has changed the medical game in terms of offering patients affordable, accessible pain relief,” said Dr. Nash. “Our goal is to see patients living a better quality of life, pain free. Seeing my patients flourish after therapy shows real hope through real results.”

Dr. Nash is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physician, or physiatrist, based in North Houston. He specializes in treating medical conditions that can cause pain or limit functions. To learn more about Dr. Nash, visit his website at or call (281) 440-6960.

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